a few words about the work.

  • “The steam is rising from a bubbling pot when you walk into San Francisco Playhouse for the world premiere of “Seared,” and if you arrive early enough, get close to the stage and have sharp olfactory receptors, you’ll sniff the aroma of sizzling garlic and onions. Since this play is a commission by Theresa Rebeck, it’s not just the food in the functioning kitchen of Bill English’s set design that sizzles. ‘Seared,’ which opened Saturday, under the taut direction of Margarett Perry, starts on high heat and gets only hotter.”

    — San Francisco Chronicle

    world premiere of Seared by Theresa,Rebeck at San Fransico Playhouse)

  • "At last! A real, grown-up American play! It poses its ethical dilemmas with a fierce intelligence, creating a slippery drama that is full of meat. Margarett Perry's production is slick and smart, and the three performances are spot-on. Something to really chew on."

    - The Guardian

    Clean Alternatives by Brian Dykstra at Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh Festival Fringe

  • "Under Margarett Perry's always-dynamic direction, their three perspectives on 'blood and belonging' repeatedly unfold, preen, spar, change direction, change themselves. As the emotional stakes increase, there's barely chance to catch one's breath - especially since the play's momentum is propelled by that signature dykstravagant love of language. Lots of it, delivered by thinking characters whose mouths move as fast as their minds. Lest this sound overwhelming, be assured it's also very clever, very funny, and tenderly human - this is a love story that has to reinvent itself."

    — Ithaca Journal

    the world premiere of The Two of You at Kitchen Theatre Company)

  • "Whimsical... Boisterously Funny... Call Me Waldo, directed with just the right lightness 
by Margarett Perry, makes for an engaging 95 minutes"

    — New York Post

    world premiere of Call Me Waldo at the Working Theatre

  • "Under the delicate direction of Margarett Perry, Howe's humorous, touching tale is well-secured…Very engaging. Heartbreaking."

    - Dayton City Paper, Critics Pick

    Painting Churches by Tina Howe at The Human Race Theatre Company

  • "A Triumph. A sharp, hilarious, and heartfelt work that offers a new take on the age-old mysteries of love and loss. Dykstra has been blessed with a capable and intuitive director in Perry, who has shaped his story into a lean character-driven vehicle for their three main actors."

    - NYTheatre.com Critics Pick

    world premiere of Spill the Wine by Brian Dykstra a GayFest NYC

  • “Not all the stand-outs are human. This fantastical musical odyssey gets a boost from dozens of puppets — flapping birds, blooming flowers, blind mice, a gingerbread man (tortured by human soldiers brandishing spatulas and rolling pins) and a gorgeously scary dragon who exists in segments of head, wings and tail and is whisked about the stage like a Chinese kite. You’ll be a believer!”

    - Harford Courant

    SHREK The Musical. Connecticut Repertory Theatre

  • “Ferociously articulate dialogue in a hail of David Mamet-ian Testosterone Speak. Sharp performances across the board. A fairy tale for our time!”

    The New York Times

    world premiere of Clean Alternatives by Brian Dykstra at 59e59 Theatres, NYC

  • "It goes great places! Margarett Perry keeps the tone light, but the lightness is mostly a counterpoint to Dykstra's bleak assessment. It's a grim play with a happy face, and when it really gets down to business, it makes an uncomfortable amount of sense."

    - Variety

    world premiere of A Play On Words by Brian Dykstra at 59e59 Theaters, NYC